Dyslexia Awareness Week 3 October
It is Dyslexia Awareness Week this week.
Did you know…?
1 in 10 people in the UK are dyslexic
20% of UK entrepreneurs are dyslexic
50% of NASA employees are dyslexic
Sources: Dyslexia Action, Cass Business School, American Dyslexia Association
Exam results
Well done to all of our students who have recently received some fantastic exam results!
Summer holidays
We hope everyone has been enjoying the holidays so far. Good luck to all of our students who are waiting for exam results later this month. We are around over the summer if you need to contact us, but just to remind you that our new term begins on Monday 12th September.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to all our past and present pupils and their families. It has been great to hear from so many of our past students who are now at university and in employment. Thank you for all your cards and good wishes.
Telling the time
One area of difficulties that we are often asked about by parents is with telling the time from analogue clocks. A resource that has proved useful for a number of our younger pupils is the Easy Read system. This consists of clocks and watches with a three step system to telling minutes past and minutes to the hour. The website (www.easyreadtimeteacher.co.uk) also has free downloadable resources.
A reminder…
The autumn term starts on Monday 14th September. We look forward to seeing all of our existing and new pupils that week.
Tuition spaces from September
Do you feel your child needs some extra support with their English skills? We currently have some tuition spaces available from September on Mondays and Thursdays, so please give us a call for more details.
Dyslexia Day: Salisbury Library
As part of Dyslexia Awareness Week at the start of November, we are holding a dyslexia information morning at Salisbury Library between 10.30 – 12.00 on Saturday 8th November. There will be books and resources to look at and we will be available to answer questions and to offer advice. All are welcome!
Start of term
Reminder to all of our parents:
The autumn 2014 term will start on Monday 15th September. We look forward to seeing all of our students and parents during that week. denmark
Have you seen these dyslexia checklists?
Dyslexia checklists can be useful to promote better understanding and provide an indication whether further assessment and support is needed.
The British Dyslexia Association provide a checklist for adults and a list of indicators for school age children. Find these at:
www.bdadyslexia.org.uk travel tool